Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Grand Theft Magic

It has been quiet on my blog for quite a while now, but only for the lack of time, not for the lack of things to blog about… Now finally I have a little slack again to give you an update:

After quite some work the third part of the Lucas Trent storyline, titled “Lucas Trent 3 – Grand Theft Magic” is finished and publicly available. Why did it take so long? Well… Because everything is different with V3… (Except for the story that is… I tried really hard to keep my writing consistent.) First of all, other than with the books before, this one has a trailer from the get go: And that was actually also the last piece to get finished… Second, I switched cover artists. The cover for “Grand Theft Magic” has been designed by renown artist Duncan Long, and looking at it I am really glad that Duncan accepted the challenge, it really is a huge leap forward. Third you might notice that the publisher has changed too. That shouldn’t impact the availability though… The book should be purchasable at any store, and should be online at shortly.

One thing I unfortunately couldn’t change is the pricing. I am still relying on POD (Print On Demand) which keeps the production cost pretty high. Therefore I can only urge you all the more to consider getting an ebook version, which I can keep down in price significantly. (Currently selling at at below 4 US Dollars…) And of course, the ebook is available in all major ebook stores, like (already mentioned), iBookstore and Nook.

So much from the organisational side. I will not go to deeply into the story, I leave this to the reviewers, to get you an unbiased view on it. But let me at least say that much: You will see a lot more action right from page 1.

I hope you enjoy the new book. If you have any comments, questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact me.

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